Slow Motion

Nature spread a slow-motion movie
Across the city I miss my fellow humans
I of all people!

The air lies on my chest
Like an elephant’s foot and my empty words
Dangle bare from the trees

When will all this end I wonder


Sometimes it takes much longer before inspiration sets in with the twiglets but it finally did :)
(This one was #175, „it hangs bare“)

The Rainbow

It’s been a tiresome day.
What sense does all this make? Today I have no answer.
Will I ever have one?
It’s raining cats and hounds while I’m on my way to the train station.
The sun gropes her way to the space between the million drops. And then,
there they are. Fat chickens admire the rainbow and make me laugh.

The Twiglets #146

(So much fun, as always :) I just wonder whether the sun is female, just like in German? I couldn’t find an answer in the dictionaries and deceided it’s creative freedom to declare the sun female).

One more time

Don’t be sad my darling
just let the mild air caress your body
one more time
take the sunhat out and remember
the Baltic Sea’s salty water
and the day we undressed
in the beach chair late at night.
Summer is nothing but a weathered bench these days
a bench we’re sitting on counting all the one more time bits
the bits that our lives are made up of
one more time it is hard to let go.

The Twiglets #143
(Well, I’m looking forward to letting this idea grow a little further. Thanks for the idea, Misky!)


Your hair became what mine had always been. (Grey).
The kids grew up. Exhaustion covered
all my feelings so many times,
while winters came and went by.

Our words though, those countless words,
tender like the sky in early June,
they never tired, they never became old.

The Twiglets #129


A couple of strokes
go along with inhaling
May’s cold air

No one is in the way

The water is an ally of
my feelings, together
they suck my bones clean

And maybe,

maybe in ancient times
I used to be
an aquatic invertebrate

The Twiglets #124



Nothing so simple
As holding my face towards the sun
In spite of the seagulls
Scolding me

Nothing so simple
As letting myself fall
Into a haystack
When I’m tired of being a fighter

Nothing so simple
Nothing so hard

The Twiglets #123

Well, I’m not sure if I really like this one. But I do like the idea behind The Twiglets: „A polished piece isn’t the goal; creativity is“.


At Nighttime


My ears hurt, but nevertheless I can
hear a tired dragon that protects
the firefighters.

You’ve been away for too long:
The air is already asleep and so am I.

(Twiglet #122 – I gave it a try).